I would leave in silence,
Without saying a “good bye”,
Breaking every alliance,
Ignoring people passing by.

I would leave in mid-June,
In the afternoon of summer,
When everyone is busy or asleep,
Engaged enough not to bother.

I would leave like a bubble,
That appears only to disappear,
Free falling in vibrant colours,
Only to lose its existence forever.

I would leave like a caterpillar,
Casting away older identity,
Metamorphosing into a butterfly,
To fly away from fraternity.

I would leave in an hour,
When I am in noone’s thought.
I would leave on a day,
When I am the least sought.

I would leave in the moment of chaos,
When everyone is busy solving his mess,
And don’t have enough time to recall,
My sins, my failings, my goodness.

I would leave in the state of oblivion,
When I don’t see anyone sheding tears,
Regretting my departure and crying,
Keeping me bound to my past and fears.

I would leave being unsung,
With no greatness and glory,
Like a boring topic,
With no written saga or story.

I would leave in a flash,
Like a streak of lightning above,
To wonder around like a shepherd,
Only with my precious freedom to love.


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